When you have an urgent, or in some cases a not-so urgent termite control or pest control problem and you need to get ahold of a professional to take care of it for you, you do what most people in your situation do. You grab your cellphone, tablet, laptop, or your desktop computer, and open your preferred search engine.
For the sake of simplicity, let’s just say that you open your Google application. There are lots of different search engines available to you at the touch of a screen. With many years of experience of marketing our quality brand and being sought after by interested and potential customers as yourself, we have come to realize that your best chance at finding the perfect termite control or pest control company to fit your individual needs is through the Google Search Engine.
We have spent many hours and days making sure that we are highly visible on Google to be readily available to our new and potential customers. By putting in the behind-the-scenes efforts to get us in the right place and at the right time for you, we make sure that making that first contact for you is as easy as the left click of your mouse or the tap of your screen.
Our website is optimized with information regarding many aspects, descriptions, and processes of the premium, professional, and quality services that we at Hooke Termite & Pest Services are eager and ready to provide.
Choosing the termite and/or pest control company that is the right fit for you and your home or business doesn’t have to be a long drawn out, daunting task as some people may think. In our experience, there are several factors that most potential customers commonly consider before they make their final decision as to which company that they will give their business to.
A company’s reputation is one of the most, if not the most common deciding factors for a business or homeowner to make that first contact with a pest control company. The reputation of Hooke Termite & Pest Services is what I would consider the life blood of our company. We have worked tirelessly since our first day in business to build our reputation and will continue to do so for generations to come.
Word of mouth referrals, 5 Star Google Reviews, and video testimonials are the biggest compliment that anyone can give to us or any other company that they’ve utilized in the past or continue to work with on a recurring basis. At Hooke Termite & Pest Services, receiving at least one or even multiple word of mouth referrals is a common occurrence. We are always excited to reach out and thank someone for taking the time and having the trust in us to refer our services to a colleague, friend, coworker, member of the church, or family member. If we do a good job and provide a dependable, quality, and cost effective service for our customers, they may tell a few people about us and their positive experience that they had or are having with our company.
When a company does a poor job or fails to perform in a manner that would leave a valued customer unsatisfied, the consequences can be detrimental to the growth or sustainability of that company. After having a bad experience with a company, the average consumer will usually tell their family, friends, coworkers, or any other group about their bad experience when anything remotely close to the subject gets brought up in general conversation.
Here is a great example of a service that has gone great compared to a service gone not so great. If you get your oil changed at the local drive through oil change company and you get in and out quickly, without any issues and the service technician even brings to your attention that they have a $20 off coupon that you can apply towards your bill, you will leave happy and likely to return as a repeat customer. You may tell the man or woman at your office that you sit next to or your spouse when you get home from work about your pleasurable experience while it is fresh on your mind.
But if you go to the same place and that same technician doesn’t tighten your oil drain plug properly in turn causing your vehicle to leak oil in your driveway, or if they fail to resecure your air filter housing properly while making the attempt to upsell you on an additional service causing your vehicle to trip 25 different check engine light codes, or not informing you of any possible discounts or coupons that you may be able to take advantage of causing you to spend unnecessary cash, you will tell your coworkers, your friends, your spouse, everyone on Facebook. You may even tell your mail man. Or worse yet, you may leave a bad review for the whole world to see for years to come.
The point of this example is that our team at Hooke Termite & Pest Services understands the gravity of doing a great job as opposed to leaving a bad taste in a customer’s mouth.
A topic that I touched on in the previous paragraph is online reviews. At Hooke Termite & Pest Services, we make it our goal to get as many online reviews as possible. This helps us to encounter thousands of potential and likely customers. One of the first things that someone does when shopping online for a service is checking the amount of 5 Star reviews that a company has and reading some of those reviews. We like to consider this as digital word of mouth. It can go just as far, if not further than someone mentioning the pest control company that they use in a passing conversation. By being online, you have access to lots of referrals all at once.
In closing, we have made it one of our top priorities to ensure that scheduling an appointment with Hooke Termite & Pest Services is a quick and seamless process with multiple ways to do so. You can input a few key items of information on our website and be contacted by your preferred means of contact by our office staff. You can call our office number and speak to us directly. We can also make appointments or answer any questions that you may have by email or text message. Please don’t wait another second and let us know how we can make your life bug free! When you need termite control, ant control, cockroach control, rat control or wood repairs services, you can turn to our team. Give us a call today!